Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Not Fucking You For Your Mind

Thea Monyee' said it best. It's easy for us to watch this and find it comical, until we are put into a similar situation. Our initial reaction to finding out a boyfriend/girlfriend has cheated would be to get confrontational with the other person. I mean its human nature right? Its hard to find a genuine guy these days. It's also hard to separate the ones who are being truthful from the ones who are thinking with the wrong head. So Thea Monyee' brings up a great question. What are guys fucking you for? Is it your mind? Or is it to fill some type of void? You know, the saying "Sticks and Stones, May break my bones but words will never hurt me". Thea Monyee' proves that words can hit home harder than a fist.

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